Ambient Imagery Design - Photoshop / Image Manipulation
Business Card Design - Front - Illustrator / Photoshop
Business Card Pile - Mockup / Photoshop / Illustrator
Business Card Design - Back - Illustrator / Photoshop / 3D Typography
Ambient Imagery Design - Photoshop / Image Manipulation
Creative Fields
- Branding
- Graphic Design
- Art Direction
My Role
In need of fresh business cards and ambient imagery, Dodge hires me to print business cards and design eye-demanding visuals.
As a new sales manager at Dodge Ram, Ricky needs to assure his prospects can remember him. He needs to stand out from all other car dealers.
We begin with a wet and sticky title. "The Young Gun" is born. Ricky is a true cowboy from Texas. Part of his body is held together with surgical metal and screws because of his many years riding wild bulls. His demeanor is that of a straight-forward shooter, honest man, and ethical business man. His new business cards are styled to represent all of this.
- The new look generates a new following.
- Leads increase.
- More sales are generated.
Creative Process
- Discovery
- Game Plan
- Idea!
- Design
- Produce / Deliver